[Salon] 'Information Designed To Show ...'.

"Information Designed To Show ..." 

August 26, 2023

Yesterday CNN published another Russiagate like nonsense story:

Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners

Russian intelligence is operating a systematic program to launder pro-Kremlin propaganda through private relationships between Russian operatives and unwitting US and western targets, according to newly declassified US intelligence.

Caitlin Johnstone takes it apart:

Another Day, Another CIA Press Release Disguised As News

She concludes:

One of the craziest things happening in our world today is how westerners are being trained to overlook the massive amounts of western propaganda they’re inundated with day in and day out and focus instead on “Russian propaganda”, which has no meaningful existence in the west. In 2017 before RT was shut down in the UK, it accounted for 0.04 percent of the UK’s total TV audience. A New York University study published earlier this year found that the supposed Russian Twitter influence campaign ahead of the 2016 election which dominated headlines for years had had “no measurable impact in changing minds or influencing voter behavior”. An earlier study found that suspected Russian accounts showing up in Facebook’s news feed during that time amounted to “approximately 1 out of 23,000 pieces of content.” A study by Adelaide University found that despite headline after headline warning us about a massive wave of Russian bots manipulating online discourse after the invasion of Ukraine began last year, the overwhelming majority of fake accounts they examined (more than 90 percent) were pro-Ukraine accounts.

Contrast this microscopic smattering of influence with the fact that westerners are continually getting their news reporting from western propaganda outlets which openly publish CIA press releases disguised as news on a regular basis. These people are absolutely telling us the truth when they say we’re under constant bombardment by propaganda and influence operations — they’re just lying about who’s really doing it to us.

CNN was not the only outlet that plugged the stupid CIA press release. The New York Times had it too and its report is a bit more revealing:

Russia Pushes Long-Term Influence Operations Aimed at the U.S. and Europe

Reading through the stupid disinformation stuff one stumbles over this sentence:

[T]he information released by the United States on Friday is designed to show how much deeper Russian influence operations are than those efforts to sow dissent on the internet.

That is quite revealing. The information contained in the CIA release was 'designed' or construed to create a certain propaganda narrative. It wasn't just information that could be found or observed by a reporter but a curated collection of items put together to create a certain effect.

Think about that for a minute and you will recognize that most of the 'news' one reads is made like this.

Someone asserts that there is a need for to create a certain effect. A narrative is thought up that could lead to it. The some bits of facts or rumors are collected, sorted, filtered and then written up until the constructed narrative is thought to be likely to create the desired effect. This is then the declassified product and fed to the media which are willing to distribute such stuff.

The current very long Spiegel story about the U.S. attack on the Nord Stream pipelines is a nice example for such a 'product':

Investigating the Nord Stream Attack - All the Evidence Points To Kyiv (archived)

German politicians are too coward to call out the U.S. for the attack and to discuss the necessary consequences. They need a different narrative.

When an attempt was made to declare that 'Russia did it' the public did not fall for it. Blaming Ukraine is a convenient out. It can later be forgiven because, they will say, Ukraine did what it thought was necessary and only did it because Russia was attacking it.

That is the desired effect of the story. The information in the Spiegel piece was carefully 'designed' to create the appropriate narrative.

That the Spiegel needed 19 named authors to put it out says something about the complexity of such a process. It is still disinformation but on a large scale.

Posted by b on August 26, 2023 at 15:53 UTC | Permalink

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